Map Control Screen

This is the Map Control Screen in Mission Control. Select Tabs to display Satellite Scan coloured overlays:

  • Biotite is a mineral usually found in igneous rocks like granite.

  • Carbonates are found where there is water, e.g. caves or oceans. Calcium carbonate can be also be formed by living things such as shells and skeletons of plankton and coral, and is a good place to search for fossils. Look for limestone.

  • Hydrated silicates indicate clays, requiring a very wet past environment. Search for mudstone and sandstone.

  • Iron Oxide (other than Hematite) is rust (Mars has a red, dusty surface).

  • Neutron Data is based on data from a neutron spectrometer that shows the location of hydrogen, which may indicate water-ice just below the dusty surface.

  • Pure silicate, or Quartz, is the most common mineral found on the Earth's surface, and can be present in both igneous and sedimentary rocks.

  • Sulphates are commonly found in sedimentary environments as a salt that has been left behind from evaporated lakes, or in hydrothermal areas. Look for gypsum.

  • Olivine is formed by deep volcanic eruptions, and quickly weathers away when exposed to water on the surface. Its presence indicates a dry environment.

  • Hematite commonly precipitates out of water as it evaporates, indicating strong evidence of warm shallow oceans and /or hydrothermal areas.